Friday, January 5, 2007


CONSIDERATA is not really a word, according to Wiktionary. Not a very good name for my Blog, then?

Well, I was thinking desiderata, Latin past participle (plural) of desiderare, to desire: "things wished for, desired". Do you remember the prose poem Desiderata, so popular during the 60's amd 70's in the version set to music by Les Crane, but actually written (and copyrighted) by Max Ehrmann in 1927?

So I will make considerata mean: "things to be considered". Or I could twist that (I was never very good at Latin) to CONSIDER THIS.

This is an invitation to consider. Consider what? Perhaps: faith dilemmas? Perhaps: science and religion? Perhaps: self-awareness? Perhaps: caring for the natural world? Perhaps: the struggle to live simply in a world of excess? Perhaps: wherever my mind and interest takes me.

I am nine months away from 70. I have been a pastor for 44 years, a lifelong outdoorsman, and most recently in retirement, the builder of our retirement home. While pastor at St. George's Anglican Church in Banff National Park, I led a program called Wilderness Spirituality. (See my profile for more details.}

I know a lot about spiritual abuse. I will not try to muscle you into sharing my belief or perspective. I will respect yours, and your life experience, which will be different from mine. Perhaps we can learn together.

What am I inviting you to do? If you are interested in what I am saying, consider it. Is there a call or challenge there for you? Or would you like to challenge me? Can you help me grow in my life journey? Can I help you? Can we make a difference in this world?

So, now we have a new word. CONSIDERATA: Consider this.

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